2016 E8 Summit

Unequaled, Unparalleled…that is what Greenheck has created!  In 2016 Greenheck opened their state of the art Robert C. Greenheck Innovation Center and their Bernard A. Greenheck Education Center.  Now known as the “E8 Summit”, ACP embarked on two journeys (aboard private jets!) to experience these new facilities.  And an experience it was as we were able to visit the aerodynamic laboratory, an environmental psychrometric chamber, an acoustic laboratory, a fatigue testing station, participate in product demonstrations and manufacturing tours, incorporate classroom education…and always mix in some fun!  Our guests returned with lasting relationships and essential education, including over 10 CEU credits.  Want to learn more about our trip?  Are you staying connected?  Are you fully informed? Contact ACP to discuss our next training experience at Greenheck!